Professor Ahmed Maigari Ibrahim (Vice-Chancellor)
Welcome Message from the Vice-Chancellor
Welcome to Northwest University Sokoto, a citadel of learning in the majestic seat of Sokoto Caliphate. We once again congratulate you for your good luck and wise choice of the Northwest University Sokoto to anchor and sail you in higher learning career. Majority of you are from secondary schools; you are starting a new life in a University environment which is very different from the secondary schools’ environment that you left behind. The University environment is different in terms of freedom, lifestyle, and, of course the academic pursuit which is your main reason for being at the University. Therefore, the management encourages you to avail with the chain of procedures and lots of resources the University offer.
As well it should be noted that your degree certificate shall be awarded based on character and learning and not on learning alone. You are therefore, required to be hard working and to always strive for excellence. You are also required at all times to maintain discipline and obey the University’s Rules and Regulations. On this note, you are strongly advised to conduct yourselves vigorously to the task before you that is, learning. You should maintain at all times a healthy and good mind set; avoid bad behaviours such as cultism, examination malpractice, indecent dressing and rumour mongering; and imbibe the culture of living with one another in peace and harmony. You must also resolve to complete your studies in the shortest possible time. The University will neither tolerate violation of its rules and regulations nor those who cross the bounds of decency. At the same time, the University will do everything possible to assist you in actualizing your yearnings and aspirations as per academic excellence.
Our Faculties and Departments, offer students freedom to make choices in their academic careers, as enshrined in the University’s Regulations. We believe that students have an obligation as members of their respective Departments, Faculties and the entire University community to internalize and fully understand all of our rules and policies and also the consequences of breaking these rules. The Departments, Faculties, and or University, as the case may be, hold students responsible for their actions and inactions. Questions relating to your academic affairs can be channeled to the H. O. Ds. through the level coordinators, while that of general campus life to the Dean Student Affairs Officer or his representative.
I wish you a very pleasant and successful stay at the Northwest University, Sokoto.
Vice-Chancellor Northwest University Sokoto
Professor Ahmed Maigari Ibrahim